Marissa and I after the BBQ :) |
Normally I blog about my cards, my projects, Bombshell Stamps and Operation Write Home. But I figure for once. I will post pictures of my great weekend.
Most know me as a stay at home kind of person. I am very quiet until you get to know me. I am opinionated, and yet keep it to myself unless you ruffle my tail feathers just a little bit. Well. This weekend. I spend the weekend at what I call.. CAMP JENNA. I stayed the night at Jen's and we had two days full of adventures.
The better picture of Marissa and I |
Originally.. Jenna, her friend Travis and I were going to have a yard sale... I HAVE A CRAP TON OF DIEM STUFF TO GET RID OF. I got a phone call SATURDAY from Jen that we werent going to yard sale it up, they were going to go to the river.... and she asked if I wanted to go. OF COURSE! Gets me out of the house and all my responsbilities that I needed to do that day. They picked me up at 10, and we headed to the river! We spent a good solid 4 hours at the river... Too cold to get in, but hot enough to enjoy the sun, and drink beer. (sidenote: always have a DD -- Designated Dave, Designated Driver whatever you want to call it). Travis' friend lives in Potter and invited us over for horseshoes. We accepted... Jen and I were the only girls surrounded by guys who have been drinking and playing horseshoes all day. We left Travis there for a while when we were like, you know... we smell like a river, we are planning to go BBQ later today... so we better get cleaned up. We went and got some food, showered... cleaned up... (we looked really good too!) and headed back to pick up Travis. This was fun picking up Travis. The guys asked us where we were going... told them the Firemens BBQ and well... that lead to a bunch of different stories... INVOLVING ME. I met a cute guy ;) (even if he is a Ginger) he had some good one liners for me... and well all the guys there apparently know my family. Got to love living in a small town (Reminds me of the Cheers theme song where everyone knows your name!!!!). After we left there, went to the BBQ... saw waaaaaaay too many people that I know. My friends did point that out to me where I know just about everyone. Had a few beers, and God must have answered my prayers about not having any red wine spilled on me.... but I guess I forgot to pray that I didnt get any beer spilled on me.... (Thank you Diem's babysitter for making me spill beer on that girl, and on myself).
RIP Nemo. It was nice knowing you for the last 10 minutes of your life. |
Jenna throwing sticks for Moe-dog |
Sunday, was our day of rest, but Jen and I took the dog (Moe) to the lake. We walked the dam and threw some sticks for Moe, and he eventually ate them. Oh Moe!! While standing on one of the docks we came across this little Fish. We knew it was its last legs... wait fish dont have legs.. ANYWAY! I thought it would swim away if I tried to catch it... Well It let me... After closer examination... it was on its way to dying. Someone used him as it looks like live bait. You could see two clear puncture wounds to his noggin. We tried letting him go back in the water, he wasnt sinking and he was just FLOATING. Moe kept trying to eat him. I was not letting that happen.... so.... We gave NEMO the proper burial with euology and song. Courtesy of Jenna.
Jen and Moe |
I finished off my evening playing soccer for my women's league. We lost. but We still had fun. I am sunburned and dog tired... But I am one happy clam!!!
I guess maybe I should include a card with this blog post... GOTTA MAKE SURE TO MAKE THE CROWD HAPPY!!!! :) :)
OWH card... Colored by Diem (age 4) |
Diem likes to color my Digis while I am not looking. This was one of them. I have so many of these I was just thinking... WHY NOT GIVE THEM TO OWH!!!! And, she even got credit on the card too :) My little OWH star!