Man do I feel special. I have seen this badge alllllll over the blogger world. I was kind of jealous when I saw a friend of mine have
two of them! I must say THANK YOU TO
Michelle. She's totally amazing! And a wonderful friend!!! She awarded me with this badge :)
Now, here are the rules to receiving this: I'm supposed to share 8 things about myself and then pay it forward to 8 recipients.
1. I am adopted, my brother, and 2 out of my 3 nieces are also adopted. I used to not want to know anything about my birth mother until my 25th birthday I had a revelation and decided I wanted to start my journey on finding out who I really am, and who my mom is.
2. I love sports. I couldnt imagine my life with out them. I am highly competitive and I hate to lose. I hate it when people win who half ass things. I put my heart out into everything I do, and when I lose I feel like a failure to not only everyone I know, but more importantly myself.
3. I have a tendency of not letting things just go. I hold grudges. I never fully trust. So its probably not in your best interest to screw me over.
4. If I was only to eat one thing for the rest of my life it would probably be sandwiches. If not sandwiches, soup. I love both. I could eat it FOREVER! :)
5. I am going to go back to school to get my degree in Athletic Administration so I can fulfill my dream of becoming an Athletic Director. Hopefully for a major college one day.
6. (Man this is hard) I love to write, and send mail. I have always done a lot of writing, and drawing. Even though I think I am awful at both.
7. I love Swedish Dreams cookies from Schats bakery. They are my weakness. :) Thanks to my BFF Nick, who works there. I buy a bakers dozen, he throws in like 5 more. :) He loves me.
8. I am too loyal for my own good. I will do anything for anyone. I need to stop doing this, as sometimes I feel unappreciated. I will do anything to let someone know how special they are to me.
Heres my 8 lovely friends with 8 wonderful blogs for your enjoyment!